Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Flotation automatic dosing machine manufacturer|Copper oxide flotation activator

In the copper oxide sulfide flotation method of automatic flotation dosing machine, the activation effect of copper oxide is very important in the entire flotation process. This process increases the hydrophobicity of copper oxide minerals and can greatly improve the copper oxide minerals. Flotation effect. At present, the main activators for copper oxide ore include sulfide, amine salt, cyclic organic matter, etc.

Activator for copper oxide flotation

1. Flotation automatic dosing machine sulfide activator

Sulfide activators mainly include sodium sulfide, sodium hydrosulfide, calcium sulfide, etc. Among them, sodium sulfide is widely used. In the copper oxide flotation process, the dosage of sodium sulfide is a key factor. Excessive sodium sulfide will inhibit copper oxide. , so when used, the dosage of sodium sulfide is often controlled by adding it in stages. In addition, when processing refractory copper oxide ore, the activation effect of sodium sulfide is relatively limited, and other activators need to be used together.

2. Amine salt activator

Amine salt activators mainly include ethylene amine phosphate, triethanolamine, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, etc., which are widely used in industry. They enhance adsorption by dissolving the copper oxide surface and can effectively reduce the impact of excessive sodium sulfide on copper oxide ores. The inhibitory effect of substances improves the recovery rate of copper minerals.

3. Cyclic organic compound activator for flotation automatic dosing machine

This type of activator is mainly a cyclic organic compound containing nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, including cuprophilic chelating agents such as D2, D3, 8-hydroxyquinoline, which can be used together with sodium sulfide to achieve recovery indicators for copper minerals. improve.

Common copper oxide flotation reagents

The above is the main content about copper minerals in flotation automatic dosing machines. In actual production, copper oxide ore flotation reagents are a complex subject. The editor recommends that before formulating a medicament system, the copper oxide ore samples should be tested first. Mineral processing test, scientifically and rationally formulate an appropriate chemical system based on the test report to achieve the ideal selection index.
