Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Solenoid valve dosing machine manufacturer|main work flow of mineral processing plant

one,Solenoid valve dosing machinePreparatory work - crushing and screening of ores, grinding and classification (a few require washing and desliming).

This work includes crushing and screening, grinding and classification. The purpose is usually to separate useful minerals from gangue minerals, useful minerals and useful minerals from each other, achieve individual separation, and prepare for screening work. Sometimes such preparation The job is to divide the materials into multiple appropriate particle sizes to prepare for screening.

2. Sorting work - such as gravity separation, flotation and magnetic separation, etc.

This is also the key work (or main work) of the mineral processing plant. It selects different mineral processing methods based on the different properties of minerals, such as flotation, gravity separation or magnetic separation.

3. Flotation link

The solenoid valve dosing machine mainly includes the following tasks:

1. The ore is finely ground to dissociate useful minerals. This operation is generally accomplished by a grinding machine coordinating a classifier.

2. Adjust the slurry concentration to suit the flotation standard. In most cases, the overflow concentration value of the classification before flotation meets the flotation standard, so this work can be omitted.

3. Flotation slurry dosing solution. This work is usually carried out in the stirring tank.

4. The flotation process in which the slurry has been treated with chemicals is usually called roughing.

4. Product solution work - concentrate dehydration, tailings storage, etc.

It mainly includes concentrate dehydration and tailings treatment. Solenoid valve dosing machine concentrate dehydration generally consists of three periods: concentration, filtration, and drying (sometimes required). Tailings treatment usually includes tailings storage and tailings water treatment.
