Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



company's product

Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Specific technical characteristics of flotation automatic dosing machine

1,Flotation automatic dosing machineSpecific technical characteristics:

(1) A dosing machine is equipped with 8, 10, 6, 2, 4, and 3, 2 filling points (8--3, 2 solenoid valves) as standard. Each filling point can be opened independently conveniently and quickly. Stop or control the total flow value, and can calculate the water addition rate separately, and can store and print (customer-made printer) the total dosage of several liquid adding points. The uniquely customized dosing machine will not be limited by grade and can be of any grade.

(2) The water addition rate of each liquid addition point ranges from 0 to 3,000 ml\/min. A higher dosage can be selected according to the specific requirements of each point.

(3) The minimum water addition rate is 1ml\/minute.

(4) The liquid filling deviation is less than 2% (when the volume is 100 m1\/minute).

(5) The power supply module of the entire equipment is AC220V; the functional loss of the PLC and touch screen (embedded in the electronic computer) is <60w, the="" solenoid="" valve="" working="" standard="" voltage="" is="" 204v,="" and="" the="" output="" power="" is="">

(6) The operating temperature should be -2 to 5 degrees Celsius to 5 to 5 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity should be between 5 and 90 percent. (7) Various beneficiation chemicals must be filtered without slag, and the viscosity should be less than or equal to 20.

(8) The maximum added volume of a single dosing solenoid valve is 3,000 ml\/minute. If the volume exceeds this, multiple valves should be connected in parallel. Each valve occupies one output reference point.

2. Main features of flotation automatic dosing machine

(1) The dosing valve is a special solenoid valve produced by our company. It operates flexibly, reliably, is moisture-proof, anti-fouling, has strong corrosion resistance, has low working standard voltage, small current, small calorific value and long service life.

(2) There are many types of medication: foaming agents, collectors, regulators, strong acids, strong acids and other various drugs and medicines.

(3) Real-time display of the instantaneous dosage (ml\/minute), cumulative dosage (L) and various related parameters of each dosing point, and online setting or modification of the dosing parameters and various related parameters of each dosing point. Main parameters, and added operator management function.

(4) Classify and total different dosages, and summarize the dosage of medicine, with data storage and viewing functions for real-time viewing.

(5) The operation interface of the automatic flotation dosing machine is friendly, with Chinese prompts. The operation is simple and convenient, and the operator can master it within a few minutes.
