Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



company's product

Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Operating instructions and basic common sense of automatic dosing machine

An automatic dosing product developed, designed, produced and processed by automatic dosing machine equipment. It is mainly used for boiler water supply and drainage in power plants, cooling circulating water, adding hydrazine, phosphate and other solutions. It can also be used for crude oil, chemical plants, and environmental protection. , water supply equipment and other fields. Unit combination dosing equipment mainly consists of a solvent tank, metering pump, filter device, safety valve, check valve, pressure gauge, buffer tank, liquid level gauge, control box, etc., which are integrated and installed in On a base. Customers only need to place the combined dosing equipment in the dosing room, connect the water inlet pipe and the medicine outlet and turn on the power to start the operation. This kind of factory-style complete set of machinery and equipment can greatly It reduces the workload of design and construction site operations, and provides a reliable guarantee for the quality, safety and operation of the entire mechanical mechanism on the construction site.

Operating instructions for automatic dosing machine equipment:

The customer prepares the medicine according to the ratio of the feed solvent and adds it exactly through the metering pump.

1. The dosing equipment is equipped with two dosing mechanisms, one for retarding and antiscalant dosing and one for sterilizing and algaecide. Please fill the medicines according to the markings on the medicine box and avoid mixing.

2. Please open an interface on the mechanical pipeline or dosing point, and connect the retarding scale inhibitor, sterilizing algaecide and water quality monitoring surface probe to the pipeline.

3. Set the daily start time and running time of the dosing pump according to the time controller instructions, and then adjust the daily dosage. The dosing speed of the dosing pump can be adjusted through the dosing pump. Please visit the dosing pump user manual for details. .

4. The dosage can be calculated through the volume scale on the dosing tank. When the liquid level in the dosing tank is less than 30 liters (the access is related to the position of the water suction port in the dosing tank), please add the dosing agent immediately through the dosing port. Replenish medicine in the medicine tank to prevent damage to the dosing pump due to lack of medicine.

5. The upper frame of the control box of the dosing mechanism displays a conductivity monitor, which facilitates users to timely investigate the status of water bodies and carry out sewage treatment.

6. The dosing type of the dosing equipment is automatic quantitative analysis and dosing on time.


1. When the automatic dosing machine is dosing, open the metering pump (the metering pump and related pipes should be ensured to be smooth) and the matching straight pipe, and the other straight pipe is closed.

2. The top of the machine is equipped with an overflow pipe to prevent the liquid from overflowing and being discharged through the sewage pipe.

3. The inlet of the dosing metering pump is equipped with a tubular filter device to prevent large particulate solid chemicals from entering the metering pump and damaging the metering pump.
