Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Introduction to dosing locations of peristaltic pump dosing machines

The peristaltic pump dosing machine is a new type of intelligent liquid drug dosing equipment developed by our company mainly for high-end users. The equipment consists of a control host and a peristaltic pump. The control host controls one or more machines through communication cables. Multiple peristaltic pumps perform fully automatic quantitative analysis, addition and control of one or more chemical solutions. They are mainly used in various mining chemical beneficiation and flotation reagents (such as xanthate, amine xanthate, sodium sulfide, No. 2 oil, copper sulfate , oleic acid and other foaming agents, collectors, regulators, etc.) are quantitatively automatically added and measured. It is also suitable for the quantitative automatic addition of liquid sodium chloride and other drugs in the chemical process. It is especially suitable for industrial control. In automated production and manufacturing, microcomputers are connected to the Internet to control the addition of drugs. This method of dosing machine can replace the traditional computerized dosing machine.

How to choose the dosing location for a peristaltic pump dosing machine:

In order to better ensure the optimal properties of the drug, the location and method of administration should be effectively selected based on the properties of the mineral, drug and technology.

(1) Dosing location. The choice of dosing location is related to the use and characteristics of the drug. Generally, the pH conditioner is added first and can be added to the ball mill. This not only allows the inhibitors and collectors to fully exert themselves in the slurry with suitable pH value. , at the same time, it can remove some "unavoidable ions" that are harmful to the flotation reagents. The inhibitor needs to be added before the collector, and is usually added to the ball mill, so that the inhibitor can interact with the fresh surface layer caused by the inhibited minerals as soon as possible. Efficacy. The activator is often added to the mixing tank and mixed with the slurry for a while to promote and activate the mineral function. The collector and frother are added to the mixing tank or flotation machine, while the insoluble minerals are added to the mixing tank or flotation machine. Collecting agents are also often added to the grinding machine, in order to better promote their dispersion and improve the effectiveness of minerals.

The general dosing sequence of the peristaltic pump dosing machine depends on the situation: ① When flotating raw ore: pH regulator - inhibitor - collector - foaming agent. ② When flotating suppressed minerals: activator ——Collecting agent——Foaming agent.