Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


The reason why solenoid valve dosing machines are often used in the flotation process

Ore dressing automation technology is the basic requirement for modern intelligent mining work, and our flotation process should first realize dosing automation technology. Market research found that solenoid valve dosing machines are the choice of many manufacturers. Do you know why?

The flotation fully automatic dosing automatic control system is a type of accurate quantitative analysis and timing dosing device that can automatically control the system and adjust over long distances. It uses a program-controlled dosing machine to achieve fully automatic dosing, and can control several dosing points at the same time. Dosing. At present, domestic flotation automation drug adding systems mostly use flow monitoring methods. The automatic control system can be mainly divided into control parts and actuators. In industrial production, PLC is used to achieve control, and actuators are mostly used. Solenoid valves and dosing pumps, due to the low cost of solenoid valves and easy maintenance, solenoid valve control is more commonly used on site.

The solenoid valve dosing machine calculates the frequency that must be opened per minute based on the calibrated total flow rate of the solenoid valve when it is opened for 1 second when the liquid level in the medicine storage box is stable. The solenoid valve has a relatively large dosing range. The dosage range is 0-20000m\/min, which can be adjusted at will. The larger the dosage, the higher the dosage. The dosage range of the metering pump is small, and the dosage range is 0-350ml\/min, which can be adjusted at will. The degree is stable within the dosing range. The solenoid valve is controlled by Due to the limit on the frequency of control switches, the normal service life of the solenoid valve is to control the switch 1 million times. The response time of the solenoid valve can be as short as a few milliseconds, and even the pilot solenoid valve can be controlled within tens of milliseconds. Because it forms a self-contained loop , compared with other automatic control valves, the response is more flexible and the accuracy of controlling medication is very good.

The flotation process is the selection and aggregation process of effective mineral components. The quality of the solenoid valve dosing machine can directly interfere with the flotation indicators. Automating the dosing process can overcome the inability of employees to perform flotation on time. The negative impact caused by relative adjustments to changes in selected links and the completion of dosing automation technology are also inevitable in modern society.
