Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



company's product

Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Introduction to the basic principles of spiral scale application

When the raw materials are transported from the feed inlet to the blanking port through the rotation of the impeller, the spiral scale installs the electronic weighing device (consisting of weighing levers, support springs, weight sensors, etc.) under the screw conveyor to detect the raw materials. The total weight of the screw conveyor forms a current signal proportional to the load of the weighing lever and is sent to the dynamic weighing indicator. At the same time, the speed signal of the main shaft bearing of the belt conveyor is input by the speed sensor installed at the rear end of the screw conveyor. 2 After the signals are processed by the dynamic weighing indicator, the instantaneous flow value and accumulated weight value are obtained.

Application Notes

1. Select the spiral scale appropriately based on the actual flow and characteristics of the raw materials. This means that the selection specifications are the diameter of the rotating blade and the size of the material opening. The diameter of the rotating blade is selected according to the actual volume flow, and the length of the large and small opening should ensure that the material does not run away. , no blocking of materials and sufficient instantaneous detection load, which facilitates relatively stable sampling and detection. Too long or too short will have bad effects.

2. Select the rotating structure according to the characteristics of the raw materials. Generally, the domestic rotating structure specifications are clear, which has weak adaptability to different technical standards and different raw material characteristics. The editor believes that it should be based on the fluidity, viscosity, and weight of the raw materials. and other characteristics and length of the spiral steel pipe, choose the rotating structure and specifications.

Rotating blades are divided into structural methods such as equal pitch, variable pitch, variable blade diameter, variable shaft diameter, and double screw blades. Which structural method should be selected based on the actual material characteristics and specifications. It must not be rigid, let alone the variable pitch. The distance is considered to be the same and should be determined according to the "local" conditions. If the cathartic powder has good cross-flow and there is no obvious backdraft problem, there is no need to use variable tooth spacing.

3. As mentioned above, the short scale should be replaced. The long scale is divided into "full load type" and "suspended wall support structure" of suspension training or lower support structure.

4. The fluidity of powder raw materials is greatly affected by the properties of the raw materials and the technical environment of the system, as well as their changes. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the material opening at each stage of the technical system is balanced and stable, and to avoid collapse and flushing. It is very important to ensure accurate measurement and verification. In the higher application stage, in addition to the unique production and processing of the spiral scale, the system is equipped with an "online" weighing and calibration warehouse or "offline" calibration equipment to facilitate frequent calibration and verification and adjust the accuracy.
