Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


The dosing sequence of the flotation automatic dosing machine is determined in this way

How are the dosing sequence and stages of the flotation automatic dosing machine determined?

1. First add regulator → inhibitor → collector → foaming agent to the raw ore of the flotation automatic dosing machine.

2. When flotating inhibited minerals, first add activator → collector → foaming agent. In order to improve the efficiency of the agent, it is usually necessary to mix the agent with the pulp for a certain period of time before flotation, and the mixing time is mainly related to the agent. It is related to the solubility. Generally 5-20 minutes, shorter 1-5 minutes. In addition, the selection of the dosing site should also consider the mineral properties. Taking some copper sulfide-iron ore flotation plants as an example, yellow is added to the grinding machine. The drug improves the separation index. One-time dosing refers to adding a certain amount of chemicals to the slurry before flotation, which can increase the initial speed of the flotation process. Although the speed decreases in the later period, the total flotation time is still longer. Short, it is helpful to improve the flotation index. Generally soluble in water, will not be washed away by the foam machine, and is not easy to react and ineffective in the pulp (such as xanthate, soda, lime), should be added when adding Use. Staged dosing means adding certain chemicals in batches during the flotation process.

Generally, 60-70% is added before flotation in the flotation automatic dosing machine, and the remaining 30-40% is added to the appropriate position in batches. Dosing in stages can improve the quality of the concentrate, but due to the reduction in the initial flotation speed, the The entire flotation time increases. It is generally difficult to dissolve in water and is easily taken away by foam machinery. It is easy to react and be destroyed in the pulp. Some agents have poor selectivity and are easy to decompose and destroy.
