Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Dosing methods that must be followed by flotation automatic dosing machines

The overall flotation process uses chemicals to separate ores, so the addition of chemicals is particularly important.Flotation automatic dosing machineIt is carried out according to the following dosage form:

1. Add flotation mineral processing reagents at one time or several times.

The method of adding flotation beneficiation reagents at one time or several times: one of the flotation dosing machines is to add the entire beneficiation reagent at once before roughing; the other is to add several times along the rough, fine, and sweep operation lines. The former is called one-time addition or all-in-one addition, and the latter is called multiple segmented additions. Generally, mineral processing agents that are easily soluble in water, are not easily carried away by foam, and are not prone to failure can be added in a concentrated manner. But for some mineral processing agents that are easily carried away by foam, The beneficiation agent that easily interacts with fine mud and soluble salts and becomes ineffective should be added in stages to prevent insufficient beneficiation agents in the later stages of the process. When adding multiple stages, the total amount of beneficiation agent is usually added before roughing. 50 percent - 80 percent. The rest are added in batches after scanning the locations.

2. Fixed-point dosing and bubble dosing

After the flotation plant has planned the addition amount of flotation reagents at the dosing location based on the above principles, it is not suitable to change it lightly during the manufacturing and operation of the flotation automatic dosing machine. However, in flotation practice, it is usually due to the operator's lack of experience, or For other reasons, "running channels" and "sinking channels" occur (the former is due to excess foaming agent, the latter is due to excess collector), the quality of the concentrate is poor, or a large amount of metal enters the tailings. In order to save the loss immediately, it is allowed to Temporarily add some mineral chemicals. You must accurately judge the problem.

The advantage of the flotation automatic dosing machine is that it is fully automatic control. Just set the medicine and dosage, and it can be added accurately and automatically to improve efficiency.


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