Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


How to choose the dosing address and method for peristaltic pump dosing machine?

In order to better ensure the excellent characteristics of the medicine, the peristaltic pump dosing machine should reasonably select the dosing location and method of the peristaltic pump dosing machine based on the characteristics of the iron ore, medicines and processes.

(1) The dosing address of the peristaltic pump dosing machine. The selection of the dosing address is related to the use and characteristics of the drug. Usually, the pH regulator is put in first, and then it can be added to the cement ball mill. The retarder and collector can be kept at the appropriate pH It can fully utilize the value of coal slime water and dissolve some "inevitable ions" that are harmful to flotation agents. The polymerization inhibitor should be added before the collector, usually also in the cement ball mill, so that it can be inhibited as early as possible. Minerals create a fresh finish.

A detailed analysis of the usual adding order is as follows: ① When flotation reagents are used as raw ore: PH regulator - retardant - collector - foaming agent. ② Inhibitor flotation minerals: active agent - collector - foaming agent.

(2) Dosing method of peristaltic pump dosing machine. There are usually two main ways of dosing, one is to add once and the other is to add several times. One-time dosing is to concentrate the medicine and do it all at once before rough selection. Fill up. The added medicine has a high concentration and is easy to add. Generally, it is easily soluble in water and cannot be taken away by foam plastics. It is not easy to be reflected in coal slurry. Ineffective medicines, such as lime powder, baking soda, etc., are usually used once. It is a permanent addition. Add it in several rounds according to the amount of addition, and add it in several rounds according to the process of rough machining, cleaning and cleaning.

The dosage position and direction of the peristaltic pump dosing machine design cannot be changed at will during the manufacturing process. As we all know, in the flotation chemical industry for a long time, if the flotation machine "runs" or "sinks", In emergencies such as tailings ponds where poor quality or large amounts of metal materials are concentrated, some chemicals can be temporarily added to appropriate locations according to the actual situation to reduce losses as soon as possible. However, it is necessary to find out the cause of the abnormality immediately, make adjustments as soon as possible, and turn the production and processing situation around. for daily life.
