Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Flotation automatic dosing machine metering verification and control of flotation agent addition

The flotation dosing machine can effectively measure, verify and control the addition of flotation agent in mineral processing production. Some processing plants still manually adjust the dosing valve based on the accumulated experience of the operator, resulting in a relatively large consumption of flotation agent; at home and abroad The flotation medicine machine does not have a measuring instrument for the flotation agent. They are all indirect physical quantities. This indirect signal cannot truly and accurately reflect the specific amount of flotation agent added. Therefore, a metering verification flotation agent is developed and automatically added. Devices are inevitable. The automatic dosing of medicines depends on the type of medicine, the dosage and whether it is measured and calibrated. Different types of dosing machines are selected. The more common dosing methods in my country's factory selection are:

(1) Automatic addition of small-measurement calibration of drugs. The dosage of drugs is as small as tens of grams per minute. General flow meters are not suitable for the detection of such small flows. According to the basic principles of throttling flow meters, a micro-differential pressure flow meter can be used. The detection system detects small flow of medicines and adds medicines based on the pulse circuit control circuit solenoid valve of the dosing equipment.

(2) Quantitative dosing machine. The dosing range is 3.0-3000mL\/min, and the control error is ±3 percentage, such as adding 2 oil, dixanol, kerosene and other general drugs. The SMCJ series has more flotation program-controlled dosing machines. Based on PLC control technology, the scalability is a little more than 200, and the system can complete remote setting and automatic adding of medicines. It can be widely used in mineral processing, flotation, extraction and other production processes that require quantitative addition of liquid medicines.

(3) Milk of lime adding device. At present, the milk of lime added for pH adjustment of flotation in my country has been affecting most of the processing plants in our country. The main factors are: milk of lime contains high impurities, is easy to form calcium, has poor fluidity, and is highly corrosive. Most dressing plants use manual addition, which not only consumes a lot of lime and pollutes the environment, but also the pH cannot be effectively managed, affecting the flotation index.
