Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Dispensing method of flotation automatic dosing machine

  Flotation automatic dosing machineThere are usually two methods for dispensing the whole process, which are determined by the mineral characteristics. For example, when the soluble salts in the slurry are high and a large amount of drugs will adhere to them, it is beneficial to choose segmented dispensing. Another example is, In some selective flotation situations, it is often beneficial to add collectors in sections in order to alleviate the side effects of inhibitors on minerals that want to float. During the flotation process of the flotation machine, the selection of drugs And adding is very important.

Flotation is one of the main mineral processing methods. According to surveys, 90% of non-ferrous metal ores are processed by flotation. Flotation is also commonly used to separate rare precious metals, precious metals, ferrous metals, non-metals such as coal and other mineral raw materials. .The addition of flotation reagents in automatic flotation dosing machine is a key step in the flotation production process. The size and accuracy of the addition amount can directly affect the quality and economic benefits of the product. Adjust the addition of flotation reagents. Dosage can capture more useful metals and suppress useless minerals. The traditional manual adjustment method is neither correct nor timely. The application of flotation automatic dispensing control system not only overcomes the shortcomings of manual adjustment, but also reduces flotation production. The consumption of chemicals can bring direct economic benefits to the mineral processing plant, and at the same time it can alleviate the labor efficiency of employees. The development of the current-carrying fluorescent tree splitting system in the 7th generation has brought great benefits to the exploration of online flotation automatic dispensing control systems. better standards.
