Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



company's product

Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


On-site maintenance of electronic belt scale

1. Belt direction deviation and treatment

Belt direction deviation is also a situation where the axis of the tape deviates from the axis of the conveyor frame during full-load operation or weighing. It is also a situation that cannot be avoided by electronic belt scales. It is mainly caused by the following factors:

\u003Ci>1.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>1.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>安裝轴线不正.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The installation axis is incorrect.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>2.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>2.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>胶布自身弯曲不正或连接头(皮带的连接头)不正.连接头对重量传感器形成的净重增加值及吸引力干扰增加值比较大,因而通常选用硫化连接头,不允许选用机械连接头.与此同时要确保输送皮带2侧环长误差不超过10毫米,总宽误差不超过规范秤的0.5%.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The tape itself is bent incorrectly or the connector (the connector of the belt) is incorrect. The connector has a relatively large increase in weight and attraction interference to the weight sensor, so vulcanized connectors are usually used instead of mechanical connectors. In this regard, At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the length error of the two side loops of the conveyor belt does not exceed 10 mm, and the total width error does not exceed 0.5% of the standard scale.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>3.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>3.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>滚筒轴线同胶带机的轴线不成斜角,务必重装,并确保头,尾滚筒轴向核心相同.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The axis of the roller is not at an oblique angle to the axis of the belt conveyor. It must be reinstalled and ensure that the axial center of the head and tail rollers are the same.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>4.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>4.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>安裝时托辊组轴线同胶布轴线不竖直引发方向跑偏.当胶布往哪方向跑偏,就将哪里的托辊向胶布前行的角度挪动一些.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>During installation, the axis of the roller set is not perpendicular to the axis of the tape, causing the direction to deviate. When the tape deviates in which direction, move the roller there to the angle of the tape.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>5.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>5.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>电子皮带秤滚筒不水平引发胶布方向跑偏.假如安裝偏差,应调平;如因生产外径不一致,需再次生产滚筒外圆.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The electronic belt scale drum is not level, causing the direction of the tape to deviate. If the installation is deviated, it should be leveled; if the outer diameter of the production is inconsistent, the outer circle of the drum needs to be produced again.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>6.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>6.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>滚筒的表层粘接原材料,使滚筒变成圆锥面,会使胶布向一边偏移.这也是由撒料引发的,应特别注意预防此状况并常常清理.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The surface of the roller is bonded to the material, turning the roller into a conical surface, which will cause the tape to shift to one side. This is also caused by spreading materials, so special attention should be paid to preventing this situation and cleaning it frequently.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>7.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>7.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>胶布一旦加之负荷就方向跑偏.通常是因为原材料的给料点不是胶布里面,应做对应调节.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Once a load is added to the tape, the direction will deviate. This is usually because the feeding point of the raw material is not inside the tape and should be adjusted accordingly.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>8.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>8.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>胶带满载时出现空车方向跑偏,而加之原材料后获得改正.这种情况通常是初拉力过大引发的,尽可能调节.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>When the tape is fully loaded, the direction of the empty truck will deviate, and it will be corrected after adding raw materials. This situation is usually caused by the initial tension being too large, so adjust it as much as possible.\u003C\/b>

2. Prevention of material spillage

\u003Ci>1.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>1.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>可在皮带2侧提升挡料板.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The baffle can be raised on both sides of the belt.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>2.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>2.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>墙角环形皮带,在一般环形皮带上提升像城墙上防箭垛的竖边.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The corner ring belt is raised on the general ring belt like the vertical edge of the anti-arrow butt on the city wall.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>3.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>3.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>裙边式电子皮带秤环形皮带.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Skirt type electronic belt scale ring belt.\u003C\/b>
