Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Contact person:

Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

Telephone\/Fax: 0535—6371732


Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province


Practical application of automatic ball adding machine

In the production process of the mining plant - cement grinding operation, the quality of cement grinding is related to the improvement of cement grinding speed and work efficiency, and more importantly, determines and affects the separation index value. The ball mill itself cannot adjust the mineral processing Index value, cement grinding quality, product quality is determined by the loading capacity of castings in the ball mill and ball replenishment. The experience gained from long-term cement grinding practice is: coarse ore particles should be severely investigated and large castings should be dealt with, and fine ore particles should be severely investigated. Small castings must be used for grinding. If there are too many big balls, grinding is not careful, which is manifested as "under-grinding". On the contrary, if there are too many small balls, the area will be large, and over-grinding will increase. In addition, because there are too few big balls, the ball will vibrate and push. Insufficient power will result in the so-called "over-grinding and under-grinding". Yantai Ruixing Company specializes in manufacturing automatic ball adding machines, ball mill adding machines, fully automatic ball adding machines, automatic dosing machines, CNC dosing machines, free of charge Calibrate CNC dosing machines and other new mining automation technology module products. In the cement grinding process, due to the mutual contact between castings and ores, castings and castings, and castings and linings, the large ball mill becomes smaller and the small ball mill Without it, the quantity and quality of the castings in the ball mill are reduced, which affects the cement grinding speed and work efficiency. Therefore, it is very important to replenish the castings immediately and effectively during the production process. In production and manufacturing, labor The factors of high efficiency, high risk factor, relatively high cost and low speed determine that it is not practical to arrange full-time personnel to add balls to the ball mill immediately. This presents the effect and practical significance of the dynamic ball adding machine.

In actual operation, the automatic ball adding machine automatically adjusts the number of balls added based on the amount of wear combined with the fed material, so that the ball mill can operate at a better filling rate. It can also add balls on time and quantitatively based on the control screen, that is: every A minute plus B castings, or Bkg castings. Our company's new generation ball adding machine is based on years of on-site actual operation and improvement. It has no stuck balls, no loose balls, accurate measurement and detection, and no wearing parts.
