Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

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Application areas of automatic dosing machines

Automatic dosing machine With the gradual improvement of products, more and more equipment can choose automatic dosing machine equipment in the dosing stage. Fully automatic dosing equipment has been widely used in various manufacturing industries.

1. In the water treatment stage of the power plant, the cleaning liquid, desulfurization catalyst, organic solution and passivation liquid are added to the cleaning liquid and passivation liquid for metering and testing.

2. Measurement and testing of reshaping fluid during wastewater treatment and wastewater treatment dosing and ion exchanger stages.

3. The circulating water system adds water quality stabilizer or sulfuric acid metering to electrolyze copper sulfate in the supplementary water of the circulating water system to reduce the pH, so that the sulfate strength in the supplementary water is converted into non-sulfate strength. , control the sulfate compressive strength of the circulating water system after high concentration to be lower than the standard value to ensure the purpose of anti-scaling. Add a thickener to increase the ultimate sulfate compressive strength of the circulating water system to avoid calcium bicarbonate scaling. , and avoid relying on simple electrolysis of copper sulfate to make the sulfate radical too high to produce calcium sulfate scale. Some thickeners also serve as desulfurizers.

4 Automatic dosing machine for power plant heat treatment furnace water supply and drainage adjustment processing (adding ammonia, adding hydrazine, adding deoxygenating chemicals) metering and testing dosing water supply and drainage Adding ammonia is to add 1-5 to the water supply and drainage (or condensate) system Percent ammonia liquid (about 1-2ug\/L) neutralizes dispersed carbonic acid, and increases the pH value of water supply and drainage to the specified range (8.5-9.3) to reduce corrosion caused by carbonic acid and oxygen at low pH values.

5. Add bactericides, coagulants, reducing agents, pH adjustment and other chemicals to the supplementary water preparation and treatment system to eliminate microorganisms, organic compounds, suspended solids and colloidal solutions in the water, and oxides in the water. , there is too much acid value and ph in the water to ensure the need for deep water treatment.

6. Measurement and detection of phosphate added to the water of the heat treatment furnace (the low parameter heat treatment furnace eliminates the residual strength in the water supply, and the high parameter heat treatment furnace is used to adjust the pH value of the furnace water).

7. Automatic dosing machine for petrochemical, chemical, food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Automatic dosing machine plus measurement and testing of liquid materials in the processing stage.
