Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

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Design principles and dosing methods of automatic dosing machines

1. Combined on the spot, it is conducive to actual operation.

The automatic dosing system is designed and assembled based on the existing equipment on site. The automatic dosing machine will not affect other machines and equipment on site. The execution components of the automatic dosing system all use standard spare parts and are equipped with connection spare parts, which is convenient and convenient. Connected to on-site medicine storage boxes, medicine delivery pumps and other equipment. The automatic medicine dosing system uses 220V power supply. (Please inform us if there are special requirements for the on-site voltage.)

Due to the use of on-site elements, the operation screen of the automatic dosing system and the switches on the operation panel are marked in two languages: Chinese and English, making it convenient for on-site workers to operate. (If other languages ​​are required, please inform in advance.)

2. Combining technology and model selection of dosing devices

According to the performance parameters of the dosing point provided by your company, the dosages of the two drugs Z-200 and 2 oil are relatively small, respectively 30ml\/min and 20ml\/min. The 2 oil has a strong viscosity and is in the work of the solenoid valve itself. The principle and its accuracy will be more obvious when adding the above two drugs, but the accuracy will be greatly reduced when adding the two oils.

For the above two kinds of drugs, using a metering pump as a dosing component will gradually become better than a solenoid valve. The metering pump has a strong self-priming force, and liquids with 2 oil viscosity have no effect on the metering pump's dosing and metering, and the metering pump itself It is suitable for the addition of small doses of drugs, which can make the drug output smoothly. The dosage error of using a metering pump during drug administration is about 0.01%.

Our company recommends that your company choose a mixture of metering pump and solenoid valve for model selection. That is: Z-200, use a metering pump as the dosing component for a total of 12 points for 2 oils, and use a solenoid valve as a dosing component for a total of 6 xanthate points.

3. Principle of overall consideration of reliability

The automatic dosing machine uses data acquisition equipment such as sensors and transmitters from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The core technologies and products are complete, stable, practical and cost-effective, and can fully meet the requirements of 724-hour smooth and reliable operation under on-site conditions. management needs.

4. The principle of scalability and compatibility

On the premise of ensuring the normal operation of the system, a system structure with good scalability is designed to ensure that the automatic dosing machine can adapt to the actual conditions of the application site.

The automatic dosing machine maintains a unified standard communication interface and is compatible with various configuration systems and DCS systems.
