Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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The precision of the electronic belt scale must be "pretended". If you don't believe it, let's take a look!

  Electronic belt scaleThe applications are very wide, but the product quality, technical level, and after-sales maintenance services of manufacturers in the industry are uneven. High measurement accuracy, stable performance, strong stability, ease of use, friendly human-machine interface, and beautiful appearance are all the criteria for consumer choice. , so regarding the precision phenomenon, we have to talk about how good this "pretended" precision is? In the following, we can publish many opinions on the precision phenomenon of electronic belt scales from a technical and experimental perspective, and Let’s communicate and share.

The position that most customers agree on is definitely: the precision of electronic belt scales lies in product quality. The better the equipment and the better imported components, the more accurate the electronic belt scales can be ensured.

In fact, no, although the quality and equipment of the product are crucial, the most important thing is its stability and service life. A high-quality electronic belt scale requires both quality and superb "assembly and debugging" technology to ensure that. At this time, the seller must have certain knowledge and skills in terms of staff skills, and do not install and verify the belt scale system blindly.

Still puzzled? Then we should start from the installation site of the belt scale.

Belt scales are different from other products. Electronic belt scales do not use a single independent quality to determine the success or failure of a product. As we all know, belt scales are installed on the belt conveyor on site to achieve operation. The belt The actual status of the machine will be directly related to the measurement accuracy of the electronic belt scale. If the installer does not have rich professional experience and cannot ensure the installation location selection, belt conveyor status adjustment, assembly adjustment, belt tension improvement, etc., the quality will be compromised. No matter how good the belt scale is, it is difficult to achieve good measurement accuracy.
