Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

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Characteristics and uses of automatic dosing machines

Characteristics and uses of automatic dosing machines

Dosing equipment mainly consists of aqueous solution tanks, liquid storage tanks, agitators, metering pumps, liquid level gauges, electric control cabinets, pipelines, valves, pulsation dampers, pressure gauges, Y-type filters, equipment platforms and escalators, etc. Composition. The dosing equipment is equipped in the aqueous solution tank according to the required drug concentration. It is stirred evenly by the stirrer and then put into the liquid storage tank. The metering pump is used to transport the prepared aqueous solution to the dosing point or a specific system. The dosing equipment can also be customized according to the customer's requirements. According to the needs of different production processes, we can carry out purposeful formulation, configure necessary components, and complete services such as automatic remote operation.

Main features of automatic dosing machine system

a Intensive formulation, small total area, compact structure, and stable quality;

b. The measurement verification is accurate, the adjustment is convenient, the rationality is good, and it is conducive to installation and maintenance;

c The pump is a suction type installation, which is not easy to block, has long running time without problems, and low operating costs;

dExcellent corrosion resistance, strong and durable.

e aqueous solution tank material: PE, 304 stainless steel

fMixer material; 304 stainless steel;

gThe material of the flow-passing part of the metering pump: PP, PVC, PVDE, SS316;

Use of automatic dosing machine equipment

The customer prepares the medicine according to the proportion of the feed water solution and adds it accurately according to the metering pump.

1. Connect the dosing equipment, then check each flange interface and tighten it to prevent fluid leakage.

2. Add lubricating oil. Add engine oil to the mixer's reduction gearbox to the oil window. Add engine oil to the metering pump chassis (except for the electromagnetic diaphragm metering pump).

3. Connect the power supply

(1) Open the electric control cabinet, connect the 3-phase 4-wire power cord that meets the requirements of the metering pump and motor to the corresponding terminal block, and connect the ground wire.

(2) Run the metering pump instantaneously by operating the switch, and observe the rotation of the metering pump motor. When viewed from the top of the motor, it is clockwise. If the rotation is correct, secure the terminal box.

4. Close the drain valve. Fill the liquid container with liquid.

5. The automatic dosing machine opens the valve of the dosing system and runs the metering pump.
