Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

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Automatic dosing machine operation steps

1. On the automatic dosing machine, click the "Settings" button in the upper left corner of the touch screen, select the drug name and relative process that need to be calibrated, and enter the dose that needs to be set.

2. Turn the "operation switch" on the control cabinet panel to the "automatic" position.

3. The measuring cup is required to detect the dosing points that need to be calibrated\/calibrated. During operation, only the dose flowing out once the solenoid valve is activated is detected.

4. The automatic dosing machine calculates the measured value and the set dose, for example:

The set dose is 2000ml. After testing, the dose flowing out once the solenoid valve is activated is: 200ml. Substitute into the formula "set dose\/valve activated dose once=valve activation frequency per minute" that is: 2000\/200=10 times, based on the solenoid valve per minute The activation frequency of the valve is less than 5 times. The above data exceeds the requirements, so it needs to be carried out.

Step 5 Adjustment. (If the frequency of opening of the solenoid valve is within the required range, the calibration data can be directly entered into the corresponding dosing point calibration interface) (Calibration interface: Click "Single Capacity Calibration" on the upper left side of the touch screen , select the name of the agent that needs to be calibrated, and enter the measured data after the corresponding dosing point).

5. On the automatic dosing machine, touch "Flux Setting" on the upper left corner of the display to enter the flux setting interface, and enter the corresponding time after the corresponding dosing point (time refers to: each time the solenoid valve is turned on time, the longer the time, the greater the flow, and vice versa).

Note: The automatic dosing machine has calculated that when the solenoid valve is turned on more than 5 times per minute, the flux time should be increased, and when the turn-on frequency is less than 1 time, the small flux time should be slowed down. The larger the flux time, the greater the flux time should not exceed 50 seconds. The minimum value shall not be less than 0.1 seconds.
