Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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The role of automatic ball adding machine in the mineral processing process

Many customers do not know the role of the automatic ball adding machine in the mineral processing process. Today I will introduce it to you:

During the grinding process, due to the mutual contact between steel balls and ores, steel balls and steel balls, and steel balls and lining plates, the large balls are ground smaller and the small balls are ground away, which will affect the quantity and quality of the steel balls in the equipment. It will reduce and subsequently affect the efficiency of the machine. It is very important to replenish steel balls in a real-time and reasonable manner during the production process.

During the production process, the labor efficiency is very high and the risk factor is very high. It is impossible for relevant staff to add balls to the equipment. There is no accurate data basis for manual ball addition, and it is impossible to have the accuracy of the current steel ball consumption. According to statistics, there are cases of adding less and adding more. At this time, we can choose to use the automatic ball adding machine.

The operation of the automatic ball adding machine is relatively stable, with no ball jamming or blocking. It must have an interlocking control function. The ball adding machine must have a high level of automation.

There is also a very good way to add balls. In order to maintain the ball charge filling rate and the reasonable ratio of balls and ensure the stable operation of the ball mill, scientific ball filling must be carried out, so as to reduce wear.

The above content includes the role of the automatic ball adding machine in the mineral processing process introduced by the editor. I believe everyone already has a certain understanding of it. When using the automatic ball adding machine, you need to check whether the ball mill is running and whether it is feeding materials, etc. Control points for interlock control. If there is no interlock control between the ball mill and the ball adding machine, each rotates separately, the ball mill turns to add the ball machine but does not add, the ball adding machine adds the ball and the ball mill does not turn, the application of the ball adding machine will be counterproductive. I believe you all After understanding these product knowledge in detail, you can operate and use the products more rationally and effectively.
