Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Is it possible to configure the automatic sampler like this?

  automatic samplerIts main function is to sample objects, which is used in many fields. It brings good specimens for analytical experiments, also liberates human resources to a large extent and improves work efficiency. Although there are certain limitations in many fields It is widely used in large, medium and small granular chemical plants.

Continuous and automatic sampling of products and raw materials during the production process. The automatic sampling machine allows for successful monitoring and adjustment of product quality. Continuous sampling of powdery items can free up hands and improve the stability of sampling operations. consistency, uniformity and reliability, reduce labor efficiency, improve the accuracy and automation level of analytical monitoring, and improve production process standards.

When the sampler is turned on, the material-picking motor can drive the material-picking plate to collect the items that need to be sampled regularly and quantitatively, and remove the removed items from the conveyor belt, allowing them to slide to the specimen loading frame through the slide plate. In order to achieve the purpose of successfully obtaining the test piece.

Configuration steps:

The configuration of the automatic sampling machine does not require any mechanical equipment configuration experience. After unpacking, first check the fixing condition of each part of the equipment, and use appropriate equipment to place it to the location where sampling is required. The equipment can be used in various movements of the items To achieve sampling under certain conditions, such as sampling when items are traveling horizontally, sampling when items are in vertical free fall, or sampling when items are stationary, etc., you only need to find a suitable sampling point and place the equipment horizontally and stably, then the The equipment can achieve the sampling effect we need.
