Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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What are the economic benefits of automatic ball adding machine?

1. Use a fully automatic ball adding machine to save labor costs

The traditional ball adding method is all done manually by workers. Not only is the work intensive, but the labor cost is also rising. If a fully automatic ball adding machine is used, the shortcomings of manual ball adding are solved, the workload of the ball mill operator is reduced, and the labor efficiency is saved. Significantly.

2. Use a fully automatic ball adding machine to save raw material costs

According to the manual ball adding method, the first drawback of manual ball adding is that the amount of balls added is inaccurate, and the second is that the ball added is not timely. The power of the ball mill shaft depends on the filling rate of the ball mill, and the filling rate is directly related to the grinding efficiency of the ball mill. .What is the satisfactory ball adding method? Use an automatic ball adding machine to automatically add the corresponding weight or quantity of bearing steel balls according to the recoverable reserves of the ball mill or according to a certain time interval or according to changes in the shaft power of the ball mill. Ensure that the filling rate of the ball mill remains in a saturated state. This can improve the accuracy of the ball addition amount, which can be accurate to the ball addition amount per minute or hour, so that the ball mill can achieve ideal operation effects and reduce the usage of bearing steel balls. , extend the service life of the ball mill, save additives, and improve efficiency.

3. Use a fully automatic ball adding machine to improve production efficiency

When the ball mill operates according to a certain speed ratio and filling rate, the shaft power it requires is basically irrelevant to the recoverable reserves of the ball mill within the employer's period. Therefore, the essence of reducing the grinding efficiency of the ball mill is to relatively enhance the grinding efficiency. operating costs. Therefore, an automatic ball adding machine is used to keep the filling rate of the ball mill in a saturated state, thereby improving the grinding efficiency and achieving the purpose of reducing grinding costs.
