Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Several requirements for the control of flotation automatic dosing machine

Everyone knows about the control of flotation automatic dosing machine, but do you know the specific requirements? Now let’s learn from the editor.

1. The flotation machine mixes and prepares slurry. The purpose of mixing is to make the granular form of the ore float, so that the ore particles and small bubbles can effectively contact each other. The slurry preparation should be mixed after dosing and before adding gas. The purpose is to In order to disperse the medicine evenly and interact with the mineral particles, volumetric flasks, volumetric flasks, beakers, etc. can be used to add solution medicine.

2. Foam scraping by flotation machine. Observe the size, color, thickness and other surface conditions of the foam according to the flotation stage of the automatic dosing machine, and adjust the foaming agent usage, aeration volume, slurry level and strictness according to the flotation process. Control, the quality of the foam and the amount of scraping can be adjusted. The aeration amount is adjusted by opening the control valve and the speed of the flotation machine. After the aeration amount is confirmed, it should be fixed and not change, so as not to cause contrast in the test. Flotation The liquid level of the machine is automatically controlled. The thickness of the foam layer is generally 25-50mm. The slurry cannot overflow from the flotation tank on its own. The foam adhered to the wall of the flotation tank must be cleaned into the tank frequently. Start and end foam scraping. When flotation is completed, be sure to measure and record the pH value and ambient temperature of the slurry. After flotation is completed, pour out the tailings pond and clean the flotation machine.

3. Flotation machine grinding. First clean the ball mill at high speed for several minutes, then add part of the water required for grinding, then pour in the ore sample and the drugs to be added to the grinding, and then add the remaining part Add water. When grinding, pay attention to whether there is any problem with the speed of the ball mill, and whether there is any problem with the sound, to determine whether the ball or rod is moving normally in the ball mill, and to accurately adjust the grinding time.

4. Fine powder processing by flotation automatic dosing machine. The product of the flotation machine should be dehydrated, dried, weighed, and sampled for chemical analysis. If the product is very fine or contains a lot of mud, coagulant can be added to speed up the sedimentation. During drying When drying sulfide ore, the ambient temperature should be kept below 110 degrees Celsius to prevent oxidation and changes in product grade.
