Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Flotation automatic dosing machine system characteristics and economic benefits

At this stage, the automatic flotation dosing machine has won recognition and support from many customers in the fields of automatic control of the entire mineral processing process, flotation machines, automatic flotation columns, automation technology, and automatic dosing control systems.

Automatic dosing control system: The addition of flotation reagents is a key step in the automatic flotation process. The size and exact degree of the increase can directly interfere with the quantity, quality and economic benefits of the product. Traditional manpower adjustment The method is neither accurate nor timely. The application of the flotation automatic dosing control system not only solves the problem of manpower adjustment, but also reduces the chemical consumption of automatic flotation production, making the flotation automatic screening process more effective. Achieving optimization will help reduce chemical consumption and improve alloy utilization.

Solenoid valve automatic dosing control system: The addition of flotation reagents is a key step in the automatic flotation process. The size and exact degree of the increase can directly interfere with the quantity, quality and economic benefits of the product. Flotation automatic The dosing control system specifically uses a dedicated algorithm to dynamically control the increase in flotation reagents based on the entire process parameters of the flotation automatic process, such as the amount of raw ore, thickness of the foam layer, total alloy amount in the raw ore, concentrate grade, and alloy utilization. The actual effect of flotation automatic whole-process screening is optimized, which is beneficial to reducing chemical consumption and improving alloy utilization.

1. System characteristics:

1. The controller uses Siemens PLC controller, which has more stable characteristics;

2. The human-machine interface uses host computer configuration software or digital touch screen, LCD display, Chinese menu bar, no flicker, long service life, standardized application, and simplicity; (see attached picture)

3. You can set the time, flow rate, number of dosing channels, etc.

4. Standard interfaces are provided for easy and fast networking with electronic computers.

2. Economic benefits of flotation automatic dosing machine system:

1. Optimize the increase in flotation reagents, achieve better automatic flotation results, and improve alloy utilization;

2. Reduce the chemical consumption of automatic flotation;

3. The production is stable, the operation is convenient and fast, and it is very easy to control.

It can be used in volume-based increasing, accurate canning, and automatic control systems in non-ferrous metal concentrators, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals and other fields.

3. Technical indicators

1. SK series: SK-8, SK-12, SK-16, SK-24, SK-32 can also be customized according to customer needs;

2. The dosage of each point is 2ml\/minute---500ml\/minute;

3. The dosing accuracy is less than or equal to 2%;

4. Application environment temperature of flotation automatic dosing machine: -10-- plus 60 degrees Celsius
