Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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Shi Guoxi (General Manager) Tel: 13884663303

Wang Hongzhan (sales manager): 18865577323

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Address: No. 10, Xiamen Street, Development Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province

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Frequently asked questions and solutions for automatic dosing machines

  Automatic dosing machineIt is an industrial equipment that integrates drug promotion, mixing, liquid transportation, and automatic control. It is used in circulating water systems that need to add buffers, reverse osmosis scale inhibitors, and pesticides and fungicides to accurately process sewage treatment drugs. In water supply and drainage, drainage treatment methods, various analytical chemicals are often added for chemical scale inhibition, sterilization and algae removal, coagulation, and flocculation to ensure the purpose of filtering water. Automatic dosing device It is a mechanical equipment that replaces manual addition of various water treatment agents in the water treatment system. This facility can automatically configure, dissolve, mature and add medicines and water according to the corresponding proportions.

The dosing machine is mainly a dosing device consisting of a solution tank, a dosing pump, a filtration system, a valve, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a storage tank, a liquid level transmitter, a control box, etc. The dissolving barrel is filled with liquid. Level transmitter, low level alarm, gate valve and other facilities required for automatic operation.

Common problems and solutions for automatic dosing machines:

1. There is gas in the pipeline in the pump body: eliminate the gas.

2. If the filling material leaks and is seriously damaged: tighten or remove the filling material.

3. The inlet and outlet throttle valves are not closed tightly: check the high-pressure gate valve and remove or disassemble the valve ball.

4. Gas enters the joint of the inlet pipe: Tighten the connecting wire or sealing interface.

5. The sealing gasket at the inlet and outlet throttle valve is leaking: check the sealing surface or remove the sealing ring.

6. The hydraulic oil is not static, causing abnormal operation of valve 3: remove the static hydraulic oil.

7. The gate valve jumps frequently: adjust the spring tightness, find the cause and take corresponding reasonable preventive measures to eliminate it.

8. The sealing of the blocking plate in the diaphragm cavity is not tight: tighten the screw on the top of the water pump impeller or find the cause to clear it.

9. The inlet pipe of the automatic dosing machine is blocked or the friction resistance is very large: smooth the inlet pipe and take corresponding preventive measures to reduce the friction resistance.
