Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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The importance of the dosage of automatic dosing machine for mine flotation

The mine flotation automatic dosing machine is used to automatically control the quantitative improvement of frothers, inhibitors, active agents and collectors. Any increase in drugs will cause interference to flotation.

1. The impact of too many inhibitors: When there are too many inhibitors, the minerals that want to float are likely to be inhibited at the same time as the minerals that are inhibited, resulting in a reduction in utilization. At this time, in order to better improve the floated minerals To increase the ability of minerals to regulate, the demand for collectors must be increased. The impact of too much foaming agent: Too much foaming agent will form a large number of sticky and fine bubbles, which can easily cause gangue minerals to adhere to the gas. If the raw ore contains a lot of mud, a large amount of sticky foam will be formed, which can easily lead to the problem of "trough running". A large amount of titanium concentrate will destroy the foam tank and cause manufacturing problems. Actual operation is confusing

2. Too much collector in the automatic flotation dosing machine: ① Destroy the selectivity of the flotation process. A large number of tests and manufacturing experience have proven that when the demand for collector exceeds the corresponding range, the quality of titanium concentrate will be reduced. will be significantly reduced. Even if the utilization rate is slightly improved, it will be a small gain; ② Too much collector will continue to form a large amount of foam, making it difficult for the titanium concentrate and tailings to be dehydrated, causing concentration and filtration. Difficult. The impact of too much active agent: Too much active agent will not only destroy the selectivity of the flotation process, but may also cause sedimentation with the collector function and consume a large amount of collector. For example, when activation When sphalerite is used, such as copper sulfate demand, the copper ions formed by excessive copper sulfate will combine with xanthate in the coal slurry to form copper xanthate and precipitate, thereby increasing unnecessary consumption.
