Yantai Ruixing Automation Control Co., Ltd.



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The composition and application of automatic dosing machine dosing equipment

one,Automatic dosing machineComposition of dosing equipment

The dosing equipment consists of a solution tank, multiple flanges, valves, etc. The dosing pump is equipped with a variable frequency magnetic pump, which allows users to repair and replace parts without shutting down.

The main components of this equipment are: 1. Aqueous solution tank 2. Mixing equipment 3. Liquid level transmitter 4. Filtration device 5. Valve 6. Dosing pump 7. Hydraulic buffer 8. Gate valve, check valve, stop valve 9. Barometer and corresponding equipment, etc.

2. Application of dosing equipment

The customer prepares the medicine according to the ratio of the feeding solution and adds it through the dosing pump.

1. Connect the dosing equipment, then check each flange socket and tighten it in all aspects to prevent liquid leakage.

2. Connect the switching power supply of the dosing pump:

(1) Open the junction box of the electrical cabinet and connect the 3-phase 4-wire power plug that meets the requirements of the dosing pump motor to the matching terminal block.

(2) Run the mixer instantly by adjusting the operating switch and observe the motor rotation. If the rotation is correct, secure the junction box. If the rotation is incorrect, adjust the neutral and live wires and then secure the junction box.

3. Close the filter valve and fill the potion container with potion.

4. Open the gate valve of the dosing device and run the dosing pump.

Attention should be paid to the automatic dosing machine:

1. When dosing, turn on the dosing pump (make sure that the dosing pump and related pumps are intact and undamaged) and turn off the corresponding pump on the other side.

2. The top of the equipment is equipped with an overflow pipe to prevent the overflow of the medicine and discharge it through the sewage pipe.

3. The inlet of the dosing metering pump is equipped with a tubular filter device to prevent large particulate solid organic matter from entering the dosing pump and damaging the dosing pump.

3. Maintenance of dosing equipment

The response of the dosing equipment should be ensured as early as possible and unobstructed. Regularly and occasionally check the connection locations of the equipment, the filter device, the inlet, the outlet, etc., and observe whether there are precipitated organic matter in these locations. If this is found Such symptoms should be eliminated as early as possible.

It is necessary to regularly maintain the dosing pump inlet to see if it is blocked, and clean the pipelines and filtering devices regularly to prevent blockage.

Regularly maintain the mixing equipment, check whether the mixing shaft rotates smoothly, whether the centrifugal impeller is bent and deformed, and whether the coupling is loose, to avoid excessive shaft torque and loss of mixing output. If it is damaged, it should be replaced as soon as possible.

The valves of the automatic dosing machine, air pressure gauges and gate valves of each pipeline must be inspected regularly to prevent leaks.
